
Check back often for news on upcoming events!

Join us for “The Cruciform Kingdom of God” - discipleship course! Every wednesday night beginning Feb 5 - 6:15 - 7:30pm.

Pastor Dwayne will lead this new 6 week discipleship class on Wednesday nights.  This course will deepen our understanding of important themes such as:
-What is the kingdom of God and how do we live it?
-What does it mean to live a crucified kind of life in the kingdom?

-What do these concepts mean for our personal lives, the church, and how we understand our Christian witness.   

The class will utilize Scripture study, discussion, and some video segments from theologian Greg Boyd.  
Join us starting February 5.  Class will run from 6:15pm - 7:30pm.  

Click the Link Below to Sign up!

Connection:  Celebration Banquet

Join us for a banquet to celebrate meaningful relationships in our lives.  Bring your spouse or bring a special  friend to this event.  We will enjoy a special catered meal, music, and fun teaching sessions to help us develop and strengthen our relationships.  It will be held at The Gathering.  Cost is $20 per person.